Carpet Cleaning Service in Albany NY

Refresh your space with the best professional cleaning services. Perfect for your cleaning job.

Find the best Carpet Cleaning Service in Albany, New York and get your cleaning job done. Post the job on our platform and get price quotes from cleaning professionals or service providers. Then compare quotes and reviews, and choose the best price for the job.

Our cleaning professionals are here to tackle any cleaning job, no matter how small or big it is. And of course do a superb job and perform the best cleaning job.

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Carpet Cleaning Service Albany

Post Your Job

Describe the cleaning job you need completed, including the type of space, location, and preferred cleaning dates. Provide as much detail as possible to ensure you receive accurate quotes from professionals.

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Cleaning professionals will view your posting and submit competitive bids for your job. You can review each cleaner's profile, ratings, and reviews from past jobs to gauge their reliability and quality of work.

Choose the Winner

Select the best quote that fits your needs and budget. Contact the chosen professional to finalize details and set up an appointment. Enjoy a cleaner space without the hassle of searching for qualified professionals.

Frequently asked questions for Carpet Cleaning Service in Albany

How much does Carpet Cleaning Service cost in Albany ?

The hourly price for Carpet Cleaning Service starts at around $12, but that can go up depending on the complexity of the job. Its better to post a cleaning job in our website, and get free price quotes for your exact job.

How much to tip Carpet Cleaning Service in Albany ?

The amount you want to tip the profesional cleaning worker depends on the type of job, and the amount they take to complete it. Usually is around 10-15% of the amount, but in many cases the professional company will not require tip, they just do the job and leave your location after.

Why is carpet cleaning so expensive?

Carpet cleaning can be expensive due to the specialized equipment and cleaning solutions required, as well as the labor involved in deep cleaning. High-quality services often include pre-treatment, thorough cleaning, and sometimes protective treatments that prolong carpet life, all contributing to the cost.

How much does it cost to clean a large carpet?

The cost to clean a large carpet varies depending on the method used (e.g., steam cleaning vs. dry cleaning) and the region. Typically, cleaning services charge by the square foot, with prices generally ranging from $0.20 to $0.50 per square foot, translating to about $100 to $300 for a large room.

How to get pee out of carpet?

To remove pee from carpet, first blot up as much liquid as possible with paper towels. Apply a mixture of water and vinegar to neutralize the odor, let it sit, then blot dry. For stubborn stains, use a carpet cleaner with enzymatic action designed to break down pet odors and stains.

What destroys urine in carpet?

Enzymatic cleaners are effective at destroying urine in carpets. These cleaners break down the urine crystals and neutralize odors at the molecular level. It's important to thoroughly soak the affected area and let the cleaner sit for several hours or even days, depending on the severity of the stain.

Does human urine smell go away carpet?

Human urine smell can go away from carpets if treated properly. Immediate cleaning with a mixture of water and vinegar, followed by an enzymatic cleaner, is crucial. Adequate ventilation and repeated treatments may be necessary for complete odor removal, especially if the urine has penetrated deeply.

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